
The PP28 Oral Liquid Bottle Cap: A Crucial Component in Liquid Medication Packaging

 In the intricate world of pharmaceutical packaging, every component is meticulously designed to ensure the safety, integrity, and effectiveness of the medication it houses. Among these components, the PP28 oral liquid bottle cap stands out as a versatile and essential element. Widely used in the packaging of various liquid medications, this cap plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality and usability of the products. In this blog, we delve into the reasons behind the widespread use of the PP28 cap and its significance in pharmaceutical packaging.

The PP28 Oral Liquid Bottle Cap: A Crucial Component in Liquid Medication Packaging

plastic bottle with cap for liqoid medicine

Understanding the PP28 Oral Liquid Bottle Cap

The PP28 oral liquid bottle cap is specifically designed for bottles that contain liquid medications. The "PP" stands for polypropylene, the material used to manufacture the cap, while "28" refers to the 28mm diameter of the bottle neck it fits. This cap is not just a simple closure; it incorporates several advanced features that make it ideal for pharmaceutical applications.

The innovative design of oral liquid bottle cap 

28mm child resistant cap for glass liquid

Key Features and Benefits

Child-Resistant Mechanism:

Safety First: One of the paramount concerns in pharmaceutical packaging is preventing accidental ingestion by children. The PP28 cap often includes a child-resistant mechanism that requires a specific combination of pressing and turning to open. This feature ensures that children cannot easily access the medication, providing an added layer of safety.

Tamper-Evident Seal:

Ensuring Integrity: The tamper-evident seal is a critical feature of the PP28 cap. It provides a visual indication if the bottle has been opened or tampered with. This assurance is vital for both consumers and manufacturers, as it guarantees that the medication remains untouched and uncontaminated until it reaches the end-user.

Leak-Proof Design:

Maintaining Sterility: Liquid medications must be kept sterile and free from contamination. The PP28 cap features an airtight seal that prevents leaks, ensuring that the contents remain uncontaminated and preserving the medication's efficacy.

Ease of Use:

User Convenience: Despite its safety features, the PP28 cap is designed for easy opening and resealing by adults. This balance of security and convenience makes it user-friendly, particularly for patients who need to take their medication regularly.

Applications in Liquid Medication Packaging

The PP28 oral liquid bottle cap is utilized across a broad spectrum of liquid medications, thanks to its versatile design and functionality. Some of its common applications include:

Cough Syrups:

Protection and Convenience: Cough syrups are frequently used by both children and adults. The PP28 cap ensures that these medications are safe from tampering and accidental ingestion while providing ease of access for regular use.

Nutritional Supplements:

Preserving Potency: Liquid vitamins and nutritional supplements require secure packaging to maintain their potency. The airtight and leak-proof design of the PP28 cap ensures these supplements remain effective throughout their shelf life.

Prescription Medications:

Ensuring Safety: Prescription liquid medications often come with specific storage and handling requirements. The PP28 cap meets these demands by providing a secure, tamper-evident closure that maintains the medication's integrity.


The PP28 oral liquid bottle cap is a prime example of how thoughtful design and material selection can significantly impact pharmaceutical packaging. Its widespread use across various liquid medications highlights its versatility and effectiveness in ensuring the safety, integrity, and usability of pharmaceutical products. As the industry continues to advance, the PP28 cap will remain a vital component in delivering high-quality, safe, and effective liquid medications to consumers.

Effervescent tubes: protectors of drug packaging

 As a common drug dosage form, effervescent tablets have their own unique packaging. As its special packaging, the effervescent tube is not only a container, but also a guardian of the drug. From material selection to design highlights, to production process and purchase guide, the effervescent tube plays an important role in the field of drug packaging.

Effervescent tubes with spiral caps information

Effervescentt tablet packaging

1. Material and design:

The bottle body of the effervescent tube is made of polypropylene (PP), and the bottle cap is made of polyethylene (PE). The selection of this material takes into account the requirements of sealing and moisture resistance. The small medicine compartment on the bottle cap stores desiccant to ensure that the drug is not damp and deteriorated. At the same time, the anti-theft ring and spiral spring design increase safety and stability during transportation.

2. Desiccant and shelf life:

Desiccant plays a key role in the effervescent tube, but its shelf life also needs attention. Generally, the shelf life of the desiccant is two years, but it is affected by many factors, such as storage environment, packaging sealing, etc., which will affect its validity period.

Requirements for the moisture content of the desiccant in the effervescent tube

caps for effervescent tube

3. Production process and quality control:

The production process of the effervescent tube adopts injection molding process, which ensures production speed and efficiency while also requiring strict quality control. The process links such as mold closing, filling, and pressure holding have a direct impact on the quality of the final product, and the strength and qualifications of the manufacturer are important considerations for selection.

4. Analysis of moisture-proof reasons:

If it is found that the inside of the effervescent tube is damp, it is necessary to analyze from the aspects of sealing, desiccant dosage and external environment. Good sealing and appropriate amount of desiccant are the key to preventing drugs from getting damp, and the humidity of the external environment will also affect the moisture-proofness of the packaging.

5. Purchase guide:

When choosing an effervescent tube manufacturer, you need to pay attention to its qualifications, strength and cost-effectiveness. Having the necessary production and business qualifications is a basic requirement, and the strength of the manufacturer is related to production equipment, process level and daily operation capabilities. At the same time, considering the cost-effectiveness, choosing a packaging solution that is both high-quality and economical and practical is the pursuit of pharmaceutical companies.

6. Printing method:

The printing method of the effervescent tube adopts thermal transfer printing, and the label content is directly printed on the tube body. Unlike traditional labeling, it is more in line with the needs of modern production, while ensuring the clarity and durability of the logo.

As an important part of drug packaging, the effervescent tube carries the mission of protecting drug safety. From material selection to design innovation, to exquisite production technology and purchase guidelines, every link affects the quality of drugs and patient safety. Therefore, it is very important for drug manufacturers and consumers to have a deep understanding of all aspects of effervescent tubes.

Cockroach gel requirement for packaging

 Packaging cockroach gel requires specific considerations to ensure the product's effectiveness, safety, and ease of use. Here are the key requirements for packaging cockroach gel:

How to put cockroach-killing glue bait through plastic syringe

cocoroach syringe

Packaging Requirements

Material Compatibility:

Barrier Properties: The packaging material must protect the gel from moisture, air, and contaminants. Common materials include high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP).

Chemical Resistance: The material must not react with the gel’s active ingredients.

Dispensing Mechanism:

Syringes: Preferred for precision application, syringes allow users to place small amounts of gel accurately in targeted areas.

Plungers and Nozzles: The syringe should have a smooth-operating plunger and a fine-tipped nozzle for controlled dispensing.

Capacity and Size:

Application steps of pet syringe

multi dose syringe

Variety of Sizes: Packaging should be available in multiple sizes (e.g., 10g, 30g, 50g) to cater to different needs, from residential to commercial applications.

Labeling and Instructions:

Clear Labeling: Must include product name, active ingredients, usage instructions, safety warnings, and manufacturer information.

Usage Instructions: Clear, step-by-step instructions for application, including diagrams if necessary.

Safety Information: Warnings about safe handling, storage, and disposal, along with first aid instructions in case of accidental exposure.

Child-Resistant Features:

Safety Caps: Should include child-resistant caps to prevent accidental ingestion by children.

Locking Mechanisms: Some designs incorporate locking mechanisms to prevent unintentional dispensing.

Environmental Considerations:

Recyclability: Use of recyclable materials where possible to minimize environmental impact.

Refillable Options: Offering refillable syringes can reduce waste and provide cost savings for users.

Regulatory Compliance:

Local and International Standards: Packaging must comply with relevant local and international regulations for pesticide products, including those from agencies like the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in the USA, REACH in the EU, etc.

Safety and Efficacy Testing: Packaging must be tested to ensure it maintains the product’s integrity and efficacy over its shelf life.

Example of a Typical Cockroach Gel Syringe Packaging


Syringe Barrel: Made from HDPE or PP, resistant to chemicals, with a volume indicator.

Plunger: Ensures smooth, controlled dispensing of the gel.

Nozzle/Tip: Fine-tipped for precision application in small, hard-to-reach areas.

Cap: Airtight, child-resistant cap to prevent leaks and accidental exposure.

Label: Clearly printed with all necessary information and instructions.


Effective packaging for cockroach gel must ensure product stability, user safety, and ease of application. It requires careful consideration of material compatibility, dispensing mechanisms, clear labeling, child-resistant features, and regulatory compliance. 


The PP28 Cap for Glass Bottles: An Essential Component in Modern Packaging

 In the world of packaging, from the material of the container to the seal that keeps the contents fresh, every element plays a crucial role in ensuring product quality and consumer satisfaction. One such essential component is the PP28 cap, a seemingly small but vital part of many glass bottles used in various industries, including beverages, pharmaceuticals, and personal care.

The innovative design of oral liquid bottle cap 

28mm child resistant cap for glass liquid

What is a PP28 Cap?

The PP28 cap is a type of plastic screw cap made from polypropylene (PP), designed to fit bottles with a 28mm neck finish. The "PP" stands for polypropylene, a durable and versatile thermoplastic polymer, and "28" refers to the diameter of the bottle neck in millimeters. This cap is widely used due to its excellent sealing properties, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use.

Key Features and Benefits

1. Durability and Safety

Polypropylene is known for its high resistance to chemicals, making PP28 caps suitable for a variety of liquids, including acidic and alkaline substances. This resistance ensures that the cap does not degrade or react with the contents of the bottle, maintaining the integrity and safety of the product.

2. Excellent Sealing

One of the primary functions of any cap is to provide a secure seal that prevents leakage and contamination. PP28 caps are designed to create a tight seal, often incorporating a tamper-evident band that provides a visual indication if the bottle has been opened. This feature is crucial for maintaining the freshness of beverages and the efficacy of pharmaceuticals.

3. Versatility

PP28 caps are versatile and can be used with various types of glass bottles. They are common in the beverage industry, particularly for soft drinks, juices, and water, as well as in the pharmaceutical and personal care sectors. This versatility makes them a go-to choice for manufacturers looking for reliable and consistent packaging solutions.

4. Cost-Effectiveness

Compared to other types of caps, PP28 caps are relatively inexpensive to produce. Their low production cost, combined with their effectiveness, makes them an economical choice for both large-scale manufacturers and smaller producers.

5. Recyclability

Polypropylene is a recyclable material, which adds an eco-friendly aspect to the PP28 cap. As sustainability becomes increasingly important to consumers and businesses alike, using recyclable materials in packaging is a significant advantage.

Applications of PP28 Caps


In the pharmaceutical industry, the safety and integrity of packaging are critical. PP28 caps provide a secure seal that protects medicinal liquids from contamination and degradation. The tamper-evident feature is particularly important in this sector to ensure that medications remain safe for consumption.

Application and characteristics of amber PET bottle

PET amber bottle


The PP28 cap may seem like a small and insignificant part of a glass bottle, but its role in ensuring product safety, quality, and consumer satisfaction is immense. From beverages to pharmaceuticals, this versatile cap is a trusted component in various industries, thanks to its durability, excellent sealing properties, and cost-effectiveness. As sustainability continues to drive packaging innovation, the recyclability of polypropylene adds another layer of value to the PP28 cap, making it a smart choice for modern packaging needs.

What are the characteristics of oral dosing syringe

What are the characteristics of oral dosing syringe

5ml oral dosing pipette

Whether you are a manufacturer looking for reliable packaging solutions or a consumer appreciating the quality and safety of your products, the PP28 cap is a perfect example of how small components can make a big difference.


Revolutionizing Pet Care: The Multi-Dose Syringe for Pet Paste

 As a veterinary manufacturer, staying at the forefront of innovation is crucial for improving pet care and client satisfaction. One such innovation that is making waves in the industry is the multi-dose syringe for pet paste. These syringes are transforming the way medications are administered to pets, offering precision, convenience, and improved compliance. Let’s explore how multi-dose syringes are revolutionizing pet care and why your company should consider incorporating them into your product line.


paste syringe

The Evolution of Pet Medication Administration

Traditionally, administering paste medications to pets has been a challenge for pet owners and veterinarians alike. Single-dose syringes and less precise delivery methods often led to dosing inaccuracies, increased waste, and stressed-out pets. The introduction of multi-dose syringes is changing this narrative by providing a more efficient and user-friendly solution.

Benefits of Multi-Dose Syringes for Pet Paste

Precision and Accuracy

Multi-dose syringes are designed with clear measurement marks and adjustable dosing capabilities, ensuring that pets receive the exact amount of medication required. This precision reduces the risk of underdosing or overdosing, which can have significant health implications.

Different size dial a dose syringe

15ml feeding syringe

Ease of Use

These syringes are engineered for ease of use, making medication administration straightforward for pet owners. The smooth plunger action and ergonomic design enhance user experience, encouraging better compliance with prescribed treatment plans.


By allowing for multiple doses from a single syringe, these devices reduce packaging waste and lower costs for both manufacturers and consumers. This cost-efficiency can be a significant selling point for your product line.

Hygiene and Safety

Multi-dose syringes are often made from high-quality, pet-safe materials that are easy to clean and reuse. This promotes better hygiene and reduces the risk of contamination, ensuring the safety and well-being of pets.

Types of Multi-Dose Syringes

Reusable Oral Dosing Syringes

These syringes are perfect for administering a variety of paste medications. With clear measurement marks and durable construction, they are ideal for repeated use.

Dial-a-Dose Syringes

Featuring adjustable dosing mechanisms, dial-a-dose syringes offer unmatched precision. They are particularly useful for medications that require varying doses over the course of treatment.

Automatic Paste Dispensers

These advanced devices are designed for frequent dosing and are often used in veterinary clinics. They combine ease of use with precision, making them a valuable tool for veterinary professionals.


The multi-dose syringe for pet paste is a game-changer in the veterinary industry. Its benefits of precision, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and safety make it an essential addition to any veterinary product line. By investing in this innovation, your company can lead the charge in improving pet care and meeting the evolving needs of pet owners and veterinarians.

Embrace the future of pet medication administration with multi-dose syringes and watch your business grow while making a positive impact on animal health and wellness.

For more information on how to integrate multi-dose syringes into your product line, contact our team today. Let’s revolutionize pet care together!

Feel free to adapt this blog post to fit your company’s voice and specific offerings. This structure aims to highlight the benefits and importance of multi-dose syringes for pet paste in the veterinary field, encouraging manufacturers to consider them as a valuable addition to their product line.

28mm cap with deiccant or without desiccant application in pharmaceutical

 In the pharmaceutical industry, the use of 28mm caps with or without desiccants is determined by the specific requirements of the medication being packaged. Here's a breakdown of the applications and considerations for each:

28mm silica cap.jpg

28mm Silica Gel Cap with Child Resistant

PP28 Cap with Silica Gel Enhances Pharmaceutical Packaging

28mm Cap with Desiccant Applications:

Moisture-Sensitive Medications: Medications that are hygroscopic or sensitive to moisture require protection to maintain their efficacy and stability. This includes certain tablets, capsules, and powders.

Extended Shelf Life: Products that need an extended shelf life benefit from the moisture absorption properties of desiccants, preventing degradation over time.

Biopharmaceuticals: Some biological products, which are often sensitive to environmental conditions, might also use desiccant caps.


Material Compatibility: The desiccant must be compatible with the pharmaceutical product and the packaging material.

Regulatory Compliance: Desiccants used in pharmaceutical packaging must meet regulatory standards for safety and efficacy.

Cost: Desiccant caps are typically more expensive due to the additional materials and manufacturing processes involved.

The innovative design of oral liquid bottle cap 

28mm child resistant cap for liquid

28mm cap with deiccant or without desiccant application in pharmaceutical

28mm Cap without Desiccant Applications:

Non-Hygroscopic Medications: Products that are not sensitive to moisture do not require desiccants. This includes many liquids, non-hygroscopic tablets, and some ointments.

Short-Term Use: Medications that are intended for short-term use or have a rapid turnover may not need the added protection of a desiccant.

Moisture-Resistant Formulations: Some medications are formulated to be inherently resistant to moisture, negating the need for additional desiccants.


Cost-Effectiveness: Caps without desiccants are generally cheaper to produce and purchase.

Simplicity in Packaging: Simplifies the packaging process and reduces potential compatibility issues with desiccant materials.

Environmental Impact: Reduces the use of additional materials, which may be beneficial from an environmental perspective.

Decision Factors

Moisture Sensitivity of the Product: Determine if the medication degrades or loses potency when exposed to moisture.

Shelf Life Requirements: Assess how long the product needs to remain stable on the shelf.

Storage Conditions: Consider the typical storage conditions (temperature and humidity) the product will be exposed to.

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Weigh the costs of using desiccant caps against the potential benefits of increased product stability and shelf life.

Regulatory Requirements: Ensure compliance with all relevant pharmaceutical regulations and guidelines for packaging.


Using 28mm caps with desiccants is essential for moisture-sensitive medications to ensure their stability and efficacy over time. For products that are not affected by moisture, caps without desiccants are a cost-effective and simpler option. The decision should be based on the specific needs of the pharmaceutical product, considering factors like moisture sensitivity, shelf life, storage conditions, cost, and regulatory requirements.


Effervescent tablet packaging and maufacturer

 Effervescent tablets require specialized packaging to protect them from moisture and maintain their efficacy. Here's an overview of the packaging requirements and some manufacturers that specialize in effervescent tablet packaging.

Effervescent tubes with spiral caps information

Effervescentt tablet packaging

Effervescent Tablet Packaging Requirements

Moisture Barrier: Effervescent tablets are highly sensitive to moisture and require packaging that provides an excellent moisture barrier.

Desiccants: Packaging often includes desiccants to absorb any residual moisture and prevent the tablets from reacting prematurely.

Durability: The packaging must be durable enough to protect the tablets during transport and handling.

Ease of Use: Packaging should be user-friendly, allowing consumers to easily access the tablets while keeping them protected.

Regulatory Compliance: Must comply with pharmaceutical packaging regulations to ensure safety and efficacy.

Types of Packaging for Effervescent Tablets

Tubes with Desiccant Stoppers: Commonly used for effervescent tablets, these tubes are made from moisture-resistant materials and include a desiccant in the stopper to maintain a dry environment.

Blister Packs: Each tablet is sealed in its own compartment, providing individual protection against moisture.

Foil Pouches: Tablets are sealed in foil pouches, often with a desiccant included, to provide a high level of moisture protection.

Plastic Containers: High-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polypropylene containers with airtight seals and desiccants.

Desiccant bottle characteristics

desiccant bottle with silica gel

Manufacturers Specializing in Effervescent Tablet Packaging

Here are some companies known for their expertise in effervescent tablet packaging:

Sanner GmbH: A leading manufacturer of plastic packaging for pharmaceuticals, including effervescent tablets. They offer a range of tubes with desiccant stoppers and custom packaging solutions.

Sanner GmbH

Alpla: Provides innovative plastic packaging solutions, including tubes and closures designed for effervescent tablets.


Xinfuda: Offers a variety of pharmaceutical packaging solutions, including plastic containers and tubes for effervescent tablets.


Romaco Group: Specializes in machinery for pharmaceutical packaging, including equipment for producing effervescent tablet tubes and packaging lines.

Experience and Expertise: Look for manufacturers with a proven track record in pharmaceutical packaging, especially for moisture-sensitive products.

Customization: Ensure they offer customizable solutions to meet specific product needs.

Quality Assurance: Verify that the manufacturer complies with industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Innovation: Choose a manufacturer that invests in new technologies and materials to provide the best protection for your products.

Customer Support: Ensure they offer strong customer support and after-sales service.

By carefully selecting the right packaging and manufacturer, you can ensure that your effervescent tablets remain effective and safe throughout their shelf life.