
Effervescent Tubes with Desiccant and Stopper

Usually effervescent tablets has two years expiration date, However it is used for 12-18 month in practical application. Two main desiccant are silica and molecular, and silica is the only one met demands of FDA. Desiccant and stopper caps make the vitamin and chew healthy and dry.

Silica of desiccant and stopper is a highly active adsorption material, It is hard, non-toxic, tasteless, non-corrosive, also strong chemical stability and thermal stability.
Silica has strong hydrophilia, at the same time has many holes with out eyes seeing on the surface of the silica gel desiccant cap, make its surface area has greatly increased, these characteristics of silica gel desiccant decided to become a good hygroscopicity of desiccant.


Do you konw what is inside the closure of effervescent vitamin C tablets

Usually we ofen drink vitamin C tablets to get vitamin supplement, and i wonder that whether you are curious about why the tablets is always dry? Whether you observe the cap of the tubes?

effervescent vitamin C tablets tube

Let me expose a secret, of course, i guess all of you may have guessed it. It must be influenced on the tablets packaging. Watch the packaging carefully, you will find that the closure of the effervescent vitamin tablets is special, usually there is a store on the top of cover, so are you curious what is inside of the store?
There are silica gel desiccant in the store, as is well know that in order to keep the food or medicine effectiveness we need some desiccant. However only silica gel desiccant is meet the FDA food standard. Silica gel desiccant can absorb water to offer tablets a dry enviroment, another is that desicccant in the store will not touch the tablets directly, which is beter than desiccant in bags.

silica gel closure

So packaging is a magical angel for medicine and food, which offer health for people, packaging is also functional.


How to test the sealing of effervescent tubes?

Is your product troubled by the following issues?
Tablets go bad due to the moist or leakage, tablets may damage by transportation and shake.

Xinfuda has rigorous test sealing system, the way of testing the tightness of the tubes and caps:

133mm Vitamin C Tube with Desiccant Cap Y005
silica gel desiccant

133mm Vitamin C Tube with Desiccant Cap Y005
desiccant spiral cap

Standard experiment: Sealed negative pressure instrument, under 27Kpa, 2minutes
practical test: 40Kpa, 2minutes
Result: There's no water in the bottle or there's no bubbles.

The spring can prevent tablet damage, the tablet should keep some distance from the spring:
The best condition is that the tablet on the top can touch the spring with a little pressure. Then it can prevent the tablets from shaking