
veterinary syringe tube and cap fit together with machine

COP vial is a new breakthrough in pharmaceutical packaging

In pharmaceutical packaging, COP is a new and breakthough raw material. There are two examples of plastic polymers in the class of polyolefin compounds, which can be used for primary packaging components and permit the long-term storage of a liquid drug product. One is cyclic olefin copolymer (COC), a copolymer of a sixmember cyclic carbon hydride with polyethylene.The other is cyclic olefin polymer (COP), a polymer based on a five-member cyclic carbon hydride polymerised by metathesis reaction. Superior properties compared to polyethylene or polypropylene are high transparency, low level of organic extractables – being typical for plastics – and no extractable metal ions. The question is why these plastic compounds have not yet conquered the sector of primary packaging for parenterals? 

COP vial is a new breakthrough in pharmaceutical packaging
COP vials

The reasons for this lack of universal use include limited experience in the environment of the regulated pharmaceutical industry and long drug development times. In contrast, the Japanese pharma market has already been using parenteral plastic vials and syringes produced from COP for many years now. Another is cost pressure because high quality polymers like COC and COP are rather expensive compared to glass. Finally, there is a difference in the processing of plastic vials on standard glass vial filling lines because they cannot be introduced using the conventional method via the traditional depyrogenisation oven. 


Low protein adsorption plastic bottle-COP vials

COP vial is a polymer based on a five-member cyclic carbon hydride. Superior properties compared to PE or PP are high transparency, low level of organic extractables and no extractable metal ions.

Low protein adsorption plastic bottle-COP vials
COP vials

One important reason for a still reluctant use is the limited experience in the pharmaceutical industry and long drug development times. Another is the cost pressure, because high quality polymers like COC and COP are rather expensive compared to glass. Finally, there is a difference in the processing of plastic vials on standard glass vial filling lines. The sensitivity of biopharmaceuticals anyhow has changed the picture and makes the use of high-end plastic polymers an interesting solution for the primary packaging of injectables.

Low protein adsorption plastic bottle-COP vials
COP vials without metal ions

COP vials has many advantage compared with PE,PP or even glass bottle. First, excellent chemical resistance. Second.low protein adsorption. Third, high transparency Fourth, no metal ions. 


foreign customer come to visit Xinfuda factory.

21th March 2018  is a wonderful day, due to our customers  at home and abroad, our customers from Egypt and Bangladesh come to our factories to have a look and inspect bottles they like. Of course our domestic customer also satisfied with our packaging solution.

domestic customer

All of them visit our factory including workshop, warehouse, desigin office, inspection and even our sales office. our products samples research including child proof capeffervescent tubes with desiccant capCOP vials, even veterinary oral iquid bottle, or called liquid bottle for animal oral, injection vials.

Blangladesh customer

Egypt customer

All of us have a wonderful talk and of course wonderful cooperation.


HDPE bottle HDPE bottle with child proof cap

Who knows the origin of HDPE bottle with child proof cap ? Who knows the origin of Coca-Cola bottle? In early twentieth Century, in Indiana, there was a famous man named Chapman Ruud.One day, he went shopping with his girlfriend. The two men were walking along, and suddenly Luther said to his girlfriend:“Your feet are so beautiful today. I have an idea that if you make a bottle according to the shape of your foot skirt and sell it to the Coca Cola Co, the boss of the company will be very welcome!”Luther immediately painted a bottle design with his feet, and he applied for a patent in the patent office, and then brought it to the Coca Cola Co, Coca Cola Co decided to try out, the trial results, Coca-Cola is selling well.In 1923, Coca Cola bought the patent for Luther at $5 million 500 thousand. So you know, brand bottles need to be designed, so why do you use HDPE bottles with child resistant  cap in the market can be visible?

 HDPE bottle with child proof cap
HDPE bottle

Brand strategy is a generic strategy in pharmaceutical companies, some units are used in the bones, and some are used in the surface.Chinese people often say that a hundred years of enterprise, truly a hundred years, you can recognize him. First of all, packaging is representative. At present, the homogenization of Chinese pharmaceutical products, functional customized packaging is bound to become the leader in this battle. The only way out for pharmaceutical companies in the future is to do the only thing and make the difference. It is also the way out for HDPE bottle manufacturers.

HDPE bottle with child proof cap
pharma bottle with child proof cap


Why Pharma Factories Choose Child Resistant Cap

Pharma bottle with child resistant cap is that preventing children opening the pharma bottle package. So why we must choose this package for medicine?
From the view of pharmacology and toxicology, children are immature due to the body’s development, some drugs are not suitable for children due to drugs’ particularity and complexity when metabolisming in vivo. However there are some colorful, shaping and sweet icing tempting children of tender years. Children open the bottle and eat by mistanke will cause some damage and maybe sequelae. There will reduce the damage if use the child resistant cap bottle.

 Why Pharma Factories Choose Child Resistant Cap
child resistant cap bottle

The number of left-behind children in China reached 58 million five years ago, with more than 40 million left-behind children under the age of 14, now a larger proportion. More than 80 percent of the left-behind children are separated by grandparents and temporary guardianship of relatives and friends.The responsibility of guardianship is not carried out and the guard is not aware. The left-behind children are more vulnerable to accidental injury.

Why Pharma Factories Choose Child Resistant Cap
60ML bottle with push and turn cap 

The technology and industry of China's production and use of child safety protection devices are very mature. The usage of child resistant cap bottle will also reduce the occurrence of drug incident in children.


Desiccant Stoppers Give Tablets Dry Condition

Tubes with desiccant stoppers is a functional packaging to deal with some troubles of pharmaceutical factories. Many medicines need a dry condotion to keep their expiration date, which need the medicine packaging to deal the problem.

 Desiccant Stoppers Give Tablets Dry Condition
tubes with desiccant stoppers

The effervescent tubes with desiccant stoppers can deal with the moist, there are silica gel desicant and safe stopper on the cap, silica gel desiccant can absorb moist from the bottle or air, stopper is safe to store the desiccant seal.

 Desiccant Stoppers Give Tablets Dry Condition

Another cap is not only with desiccant and stopper, but also with spiral prevents tablets damaging. The desiccant stoppers can use in tubes and bottle.


How Do Effervescent Tubes Work

Today, firstly i will introduce the work principle of effervescent tubes, as a packaging supplier in China, Xinfuda has owner design team. Of course, the work principle of effervescent tubes is revelent to design team and market need.

 How Do Effervescent Tubes Work
effervescent tubes

First, from the surface, the inner and outer of the tubes must be smooth and vehical, the cap must has moisture proof function, which can ensure the dry condition for drugs.
Second, from the structure of the effervescent tubes, which is contained with desiccant closures and vehical tubes. Desiccant closures not only have silica gel desccant in the store, but also have spiral on the cap, above all, which ensure the drugs dry condition and undamage during the transport.

 How Do Effervescent Tubes Work
84mm effervescent tubes with desiccant closures

Third, the uasge of effervescent tablet tube is easy and safe, there is a gap on the cap, your hand just put there and then upwards. The ring will fall off, and the tube is open.