
The insecticide gel syringe help you to control and kill cockroach

The cockroaches are one of the most common pest problems, they are also one of the most stubborn. Infestations are hard to get rid of because the insects hide in a host of areas, breed quickly.The cockroaches often taint food with E. coli and Salmonella bacteria, so it’s not safe to ignore these pests. Exposure to cockroach feces and the body parts of dead roaches over time can even trigger allergies and asthma.
So the people need do something to get rid of cockroaches.There are some methods to control and kill cockroach.
  1. Homeowners should keep counters, sinks, tables and floors free of clutter and crumbs. Don’t leave dishes pile up in the sink or spills marinate on the counter. It’s also good practice to store food in airtight containers, and avoid leaving pet food out in the open.
  2. Cockroaches can enter your home in many different ways, from the outside through cracks and crevices, vents, sewer and drain pipes.So you need seal these openings.
  3. you can buy the cockroach insecticide gel to control and kill cockroach.Most cockroach insecticide gel baits use a slow acting insecticide that introduces a poison to the other roaches in the nest.
But the cockroach insecticide gel need place multi places which is the cockroach prefer place,like counters, sinks, tables,bathrooms, drains and dumpsters.So the traditional packaging for cockroach insecticide gel is not convenience,so packaging the cockroach insecticide gel need a functional packaging,this functional packaging can place cockroach insecticide gel easily.
In recent years,people discovery one kind of syringe,this syringe has unique structure to inject and place cockroach insecticide gel.
The cockroach insecticide gel syringe has three parts,barrel with soft tip,plunger and tip cap.The following is the structure picture.
insecticide gel syringe
The narrow tip has small inner diameter,so you can easily control the injection dosage.The cap can protect the cockroach insecticide gel from the air.so the cockroach insecticide gel syringe not only stores the cockroach insecticide gel,but also can inject the gel.

