
white cardboard lead content of glucose tablets packaging

After taking the cardboard in the glucose tablets desiccant packaging, weigh 1g into the crucible, carefully carbonize it, then transfer it to the high temperature furnace for 550 degrees, remove the crucible, and then add a small amount of nitric acid-perchloric acid solution after cooling. 1), heat with a small heat, do not make dry, you must add a little nitric acid-perchloric acid solution (4:1), so repeated treatment until there is no carbon particles in the residue, wait a little cold, add 50ml hydrochloric acid solution (1 -12 After dissolving the residue), according to the atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2015 edition general rule 0406), the lead content shall not exceed 0.0005%.

white cardboard lead content of glucose tablets packaging standard and determination method

The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method is a metal element and a part of non-metal elements in an atomic state, and is a combined analysis method for quantitatively analyzing the absorption intensity of a characteristic electromagnetic radiation by an atom in a vapor. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry follows the absorption law of spectrophotometry. Generally, the content of the element to be tested in the test sample is calculated by comparing the absorbance of the reference solution and the test solution.

