
Advantages of polypropylene as a material for making effervescent tubes

 With the improvement of people's health awareness, the attention of pharmaceutical packaging has also increased. The effervescent tube is a barrel-shaped package made of polypropylene raw materials. Then, as a raw material for packaging, what are the advantages of polypropylene?

Advantages of polypropylene as a material for making effervescent tubes

84mm*29mm effervescent tablet tube

1. Safety: Drug safety is a major issue related to people's livelihood. As a packaging material in direct contact with drugs, polypropylene is colorless, odorless, and non-toxic. It can be used as a packaging material for food or drugs and is a safe raw material for processing.

2. Barrier properties: Polypropylene has good barrier properties, can be corroded by acids, alkalis, salt solutions and a variety of organic solvents, and has a good barrier to the intrusion of external water vapor and impurities. Effervescent tablets contain a disintegrant, which is a kind of drug that is more resistant to moisture. This property can maintain the dryness inside the effervescent tube and keep the effervescent tablet in a stable storage environment.

Advantages of polypropylene as a material for making effervescent tubes

144mm*29mm eff tab tube supplier

3. Easy to transport: Polypropylene has a density of only 0.89~0.91g/cm, light weight, good mechanical properties, and it is not fragile even after severe bumps. It is a kind of production material that is easy to transport and can save a certain amount of transportation for enterprises. cost.

In addition, compared with other polymer materials, polypropylene also has good gloss, which can improve the overall aesthetics of the effervescent tube and facilitate the attachment of external labels. These excellent properties also allow polypropylene to be widely used in medical equipment, automobiles, bicycles, parts, pipelines, chemical containers and other fields.

