
Will the desiccant in the effervescent tube contaminate the medicine?

 Medicines are items that are kept at home, whether they are medicines or health care products, a large part of them are packaged in plastic pharmaceutica packaging. In order to prevent medicines from getting damp, denatured, and invalidated, a desiccant is generally placed in the bottle. Will the desiccant in the bottle contaminate the medicine? This article will take the effervescent tube packaging as an example to explain in detail.

Will the desiccant in the effervescent tube contaminate the medicine?

144mm effervescent ablet tube

First of all, the medicinal desiccant itself is non-toxic and harmless, and has super moisture absorption properties. Before being applied to drugs, it must obtain the "Medicine Packaging Material Registration Certificate" issued by the State Drug Administration. The only desiccant that can be used in medicine is mainly made of silica gel desiccant. This kind of desiccant has stable chemical properties, high adsorption performance, good thermal stability, stable chemical properties, and high mechanical strength. Will cause pollution to medicines.

Secondly, the desiccant placement position of the effervescent tube is special. General drug desiccants are selected in bags and placed together with the drugs. Due to the particularity of effervescent tablets and the space in the bottle, the effervescent tube adopts a desiccant that is more in line with its own storage characteristics. Designed, there is a small medicine storehouse on the top of the bottle cap to store silica gel and molecular sieve. This method can avoid the contact between the desiccant and the medicine, maintain the dryness of the environment in the bottle, and effectively prevent children from eating the desiccant by mistake.

To sum up, unless the packaging of the desiccant in the effervescent tube is damaged, it will cause secondary pollution to the medicine. Under normal circumstances, the medicinal desiccant has less chance of chemical reaction with the common things in life, and the safety is very high.

