
Prevent children from opening the bottle to create a safe growth environment for children

Child safety is a common concern of society, and it is also a very important topic. Children playing on the road, sticking their heads out of the window, riding in the shopping cart, etc. are all dangerous. Among the many potential safety hazards, accidental ingestion of drugs has attracted more and more people’s attention. Prevent children from opening the bottle slowly. Into people's field of vision.

Prevent children from opening the bottle to create a safe growth environment for children

child proof bottle

The child is in the growth and development period and is full of curiosity about everything. It is easy to be attracted by the colorful pills. In addition, the parents' negligence and the loopholes in the drug packaging design can easily lead to the accidental ingestion of the drug by the child, resulting in irreversible consequences . For adults, one antihypertensive drug can control blood pressure, and two tablets may cause low blood pressure. Even if children take a small dose, they will have toxic side effects and even life-threatening.

On the one hand, preventing children from accidentally ingesting medicines requires parents to attach great importance to them and put medicines in places out of reach of children. On the other hand, it is necessary to increase the difficulty for children to open the package and reduce the probability of accidental eating. The design of preventing children from opening the bottle well realizes this function. The highlight is mainly reflected in the bottle cap. Ordinary bottle caps generally adopt a single-layer structure, while the child-proof bottle cap adopts an internal and external double-layer structure design. The interior is connected by a card slot. If the bottle is opened, it needs to be pressed down and rotated at the same time. The bottle cap can only be opened. This opening method involves force in two directions. It is difficult for children who are still in the developmental stage. It is generally difficult to open in a short time, which effectively reduces the risk of accidentally ingesting drugs.

As the society continues to pay attention to the problem of children’s accidental ingestion of drugs, many pharmaceutical companies have also begun to take this issue as the focus of medicine drug packaging choices. Some anti-hypertensive, hypoglycemic, and cardiovascular drugs have gradually cited anti-children’s opening bottles. The packaging method not only protects the safety of children, but also improves the overall image of the brand.

