
Selection of veterinary drug packaging and many hidden dangers of drug deterioration

 Veterinary drugs play an important role in the prevention, treatment, and diagnosis of animal diseases. Common types of veterinary drugs include serum products, vaccines, diagnostic products, proprietary Chinese medicines, antibiotics, disinfectants, etc. Different drugs have different requirements for veterinary drug packaging. Improper selection can easily lead to deterioration of medicines and even endanger animal health.

Selection of veterinary drug packaging and many hidden dangers of drug deterioration

vaccine bottle

Under normal circumstances, if the following phenomena occur in a veterinary drug, it means that the drug has deteriorated. Not only can it not have the expected efficacy, but it may also increase its toxicity. For example, the shape and color of the drug contents are inconsistent with the label instructions; the powder absorbs moisture and ferments and becomes smelly; the oral liquid appears flocculent and sediment; the injection solution changes color, turbidity, precipitation or crystal precipitation, etc., all indicate that the drug has deteriorated and cannot be used. If an animal is taken or injected with deteriorating drugs, it will seriously affect the animal's health and cause certain economic losses to the farm.

Selection of veterinary drug packaging and many hidden dangers of drug deterioration

paste syringe

On the one hand, the cause of drug deterioration is related to the performance and storage period of the drug itself, and on the other hand, it has a lot to do with the quality of the veterinary drug packaging. Packaging not only protects the safety of the drug, but also has sealing properties, which can prevent foreign impurities from invading the inside of the package and affecting the drug. Therefore, when choosing veterinary drug packaging, pharmaceutical companies should strictly examine the quality of the product to ensure the safety and safety of the drug within the validity period. Stability, to avoid the deterioration of the drug and cause serious consequences.

