
How to use urine glucose test strips

 How to use urine glucose test strips:

1. Invade the test strip into the urine (the best in the middle section of the urine), and take it out after soaking (about 1-2 seconds);

2. Remove the test paper from the edge of the container to remove excess urine;

3. Observe the color of the test strip in 30-60 seconds and compare it with the colorimetric plate to measure the result.

4, the results of the judgment: (test paper from light blue to brown red to indicate the test results) light blue means no diabetes, with "-"; brown red indicates diabetes, the deeper the "+" number, the more serious the diabetes.

5. According to the amount of sugar in the urine, the test paper exhibits different color changes in depth and depth. Because the color of the test paper varies, the test results are also inconsistent, with positive and negative points. If the color is blue, it means that there is no sugar in the urine, which means a negative result. The symbol is (-): it is green, and it is a plus sign (+), indicating that the urine contains 0.3%-0.5%; it is yellow-green. Two plus signs (++). Explain that the urine sugar is 0.5%-1.0%; it is orange and is three plus signs (+++). The urine contains 1%-2%; it is brick red, with four plus signs (++++) or above, and the urine contains more than 2% sugar.

How to use urine glucose test strips

test strip container

When storing the urine sugar test strips bottle, close the stopper and store it in a cool dry place.

Different between HDPE and LDPE

 Polyethylene bottles are very common in veterinary drug packaging, but polyethylene is generally divided into high-density polyethylene and low-density polyethylene. What is the difference between the two?

Different between HDPE and LDPE

100ml hdpe bottle

Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is non-toxic, odorless, and odorless, with a density of 0.910~0.940g/cm3. It is polymerized under a high pressure of 100~300MPa with oxygen or organic peroxide as a catalyst. Polyethylene.

Low-density polyethylene is the lightest variety among polyethylene resins. Compared with high-density polyethylene, its crystallinity (55%-65%) and softening point (90-100℃) are lower; it has good flexibility, elongation, transparency, cold resistance and processability; its chemistry Good stability, resistance to acid, alkali and salt solutions; good electrical insulation and air permeability; low water absorption; easy to burn. It is soft in nature, with good extensibility, electrical insulation, chemical stability, processing performance and low temperature resistance (-70℃).

The disadvantage of low-density polyethylene is its poor mechanical strength, moisture barrier, gas barrier and solvent resistance. The molecular structure is not regular enough, the crystallinity (55%-65%) is low, and the crystal melting point (108-126°C) is also low. Its mechanical strength is lower than that of high-density polyethylene, and its impermeability coefficient, heat resistance and solar aging resistance are poor. It is easy to decompose and change color under sunlight or high temperature, resulting in performance degradation.

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is non-toxic, odorless, and odorless, with a density of 0.940~0.976g/cm3. It is a product of polymerization under low pressure conditions under the catalysis of Ziegler catalyst, so HDPE has also become Low pressure polyethylene.

High-density polyethylene is a non-polar thermoplastic resin with high crystallinity produced by copolymerization of ethylene. The appearance of the original HDPE is milky white, and the thin section is translucent to a certain extent. It has excellent resistance to most domestic and industrial chemicals. It can resist the corrosion and dissolution of strong oxidants (concentrated nitric acid), acid-base salts and organic solvents (carbon tetrachloride). The polymer does not absorb moisture and has good water vapor resistance, and can be used for moisture-proof and anti-seepage purposes.

The disadvantage of high-density polyethylene is that its aging resistance and environmental stress cracking properties are not as good as LDPE, especially thermal oxidation will reduce its performance, so high-density polyethylene is made of plastic coils with antioxidants and ultraviolet Absorbent to improve its shortcomings.


how to choose the desiccant for pharmaceutical packaging

 how to choose the desiccant for pharmaceutical packaging

caps with silica for effervescent tablet tubes

How to choose the desiccant like silica gel or molecular sieve for pharmaceutical packaging.

No matter you choose silica gel or molecular sieve,the first step is that confirm the dosage of the desiccant which you will use in the effervescent tube. You need confirm the size of effervescent tube,then according to the size,confirm the dosage of the desiccant.In generally,the dosage of effervescent tube is 2.1g and 3.9g. 

Then you need research your target market,your target market whether permit use molecular sieve,because some countries don't permit use molecular sieve, the temperature of storing environment can influence the moisture absorption ability of silica gel and molecular sieve.The most suitable temperature of silica gel is 20~32°C and 60~90°C.

Choose cow mastitis syringe

Choose cow mastitis syringeIf you want choose the suitable and high quality cow mastitis syringe,you need know what we need exam the syringe.

First, you need choose the material, cow mastitis syringe is generally made of plastic or glass.The plastic cow mastitis syringe is cheaper, and don't easily break compared with glass cow mastitis syringe. So the plastic cow mastitis syringe is instead of glass cow mastitis syringe little by little now. If your medicine don't react with plastic, I suggest you can choose the plastic cow mastitis syringe.

Second, the cow mastitis syringe need packaging and store medicine, so you need test the gas tightness of syringe. How to test? first, you fill half full of water in the syringe tube,then insert the piston into syringe, then move the tip cap to eliminate air,then plug the tip cap, then apply 30N axial force on the plunger for 30 minutes, in the time, you need observe whether the tip cap and piston leak water.

The last, the syringe directly contact medicine, so must keep the intramammary syringe sterility. Generally the syringe must made in standard GMP workshop.In addition,the syringe can be sterile by EO to keep sterility.


Осушитель в шипучей упаковке таблеток

Осушитель в шипучей упаковке таблетокЗнаете ли вы осушитель в шипучих таблетках упаковочных типов? Осушитель используется для лекарств, пищевых продуктов, влагостойких и плесневеющих. Обычно используемые осушители можно разделить на физические адсорбционные осушители и химические адсорбционные осушители. Осушители силикагеля в физических адсорбционных осушителях соответствуют стандартам FDA США и проверяются на отсутствие человеческого тела. Осушители силикагеля физически адсорбируют молекулы воды в своих структурах.

Осушитель в колпачке шипучих трубок редко использует химически адсорбированный осушитель. Обычно используемые осушители для химической адсорбции включают негашеную известь, хлорид магния, хлорид кальция, содовую известь, пятиокись фосфора и т. д., поглощая молекулы воды, чтобы изменить их химическую структуру и стать другим веществом. Молекулярные сита-еще один широко используемый осушитель. Молекулярное сито представляет собой кристаллический силикат или алюмосиликат, который представляет собой систему каналов и полостей, образованную кремниевым окситетраэдром или алюмокси-тетраэдром, Соединенными кислородным мостиком. Его можно разделить на размер пор по высокоэффективному осушителю, селективному адсорбенту, катализатору, ионообменнику и т. д. Молекулярные сита с размером пор менее 2 нм, 2-50 нм и более 50 Нм называются микропористыми, мезопористыми и макропористыми молекулярными ситами соответственно.

Effervescent tablet tube sizes

Effervescent tablet tube sizesAs a special medicine, effervescent tablets play an important role in national health. For effervescent tablets to maintain good efficacy and stability, a suitable packaging is essential. When purchasing effervescent tablet tubes, many people often only pay attention to the moisture-proof and tightness of the packaging. As everyone knows, the choice of bottle size is also important. It is related to whether the tablets can be stored well.

Common effervescent tablets have a diameter of about 27mm. When choosing an effervescent tablet tube, it is generally most suitable for the bottle diameter to be larger than the tablet diameter by 2mm. If the diameter is too large, tablets are prone to shaking, and too small a diameter is not conducive to filling. The height of effervescent tablet is generally 6mm-7mm, and the height of effervescent tablet tube is 84mm96mm99mm, 133mm, 144mm and other sizes. The number of effervescent tablets that can be accommodated in different heights is different. Pharmaceutical companies need to meet their own needs. Choosing the right size is critical to whether the cap of the effervescent tube can play its role.

The lid of the effervescent tube is generally made of low-density polyethylene, which has good toughness and resistance to many organic solvents. The lid is equipped with a spiral spring, which is soft and shrinkable. When the lid is closed, the spring exerts a certain pressure on the tablet downward, which plays a role of shockproof, pressure resistance and sealing, and can well buffer the impact during transportation. Ensure that the tablets in the bottle do not shift or shake, so as to maintain the integrity of the effervescent tablet.

It is worth noting that the total height of the medicine after filling the effervescent tablet needs to achieve a good fit with the spring on the cap of the effervescent tablet tube. If the distance is too large, the spring cannot play its due role, and the distance is too small. Too much pressure can easily crush the effervescent tablet. Only a proper distance can prevent the effervescent tablet from shaking due to external forces such as vibration and squeezing during transportation, resulting in damage to the effervescent tablet.

Pharmaceutical packaging is a medium for communication between pharmaceutical companies and consumers, and a silent promotion. Appropriate packaging must not only meet its basic functions such as storage, moisture-proof, and sealing, but the choice of packaging size is also important for the storage of medicines. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, people's attention to health and environmental awareness are increasing, and environmental protection, safety and humanization have become the future development trend of pharmaceutical packaging.


Plastic vaccine vials compared with glass vials

 Many veterinary vaccine medicine is packed by glass vials now, and also more and more animal health factory begin to choose plastic vials to instead of glass vials, the follwing is a compare between two vials.

Plastic vaccine vials compared with glass vialsFirst, plastic vaccine vial is unbreakable duringe transportation process

Second, Plastic vaccine vial don’t need to clean, dry and finish the bottle before filling, which can reduce costs and save time.

Third, produced in GMP workshop

Fourth, vacuum typesetting packaging

Fifth, excellent seal

Sixth, various sterilization methods, like EO or autoclaved from 100 degree to 120 degree before filling 30 minutes

Seventh, plastic vaccine vials are more light then glass

Eighth, offer invisible anti-counterfeiting to keep brand security


Buy test strip vial

 The test paper vial is mainly used for the packaging of various test papers such as test strips, and most of the bottles have the test results of the corresponding color. When many pharmaceutical companies buy test paper barrels, it is really difficult to choose between pharmaceutical packaging manufacturers with a wide range of products and products with different prices.

Buy test strip vial

Inspect the manufacturer's qualification

The purchase of test paper barrels must take into account the manufacturer’s qualifications, equipment, production environment and other factors, which are related to the stability of product performance and whether the later services are in place. The frequency of blood glucose test strip testing is relatively high, so the demand for test strip buckets is also a relatively long-term application. The process of buying test paper barrels is also a process of choosing a long-term partner. If you establish a long-term partnership with the manufacturer, you can have a certain amount of room for negotiation on the price, which is more conducive to the control of later costs.

Understand product specifications and features

As a kind of professional medicine packaging, the test paper barrel has moisture resistance and airtightness as the most basic requirements. The sealability is generally considered from the packaging material. The cork of the test paper barrel is made of flexible polyethylene, and the bottle body is made of polypropylene with good hardness. This dual material system and innovative plastic design can make the seal and the container perfectly sealed. , Strictly control the water vapor transmission effect.

To achieve the moisture-proof effect of the test paper bucket, a desiccant needs to be placed in the bottle. The general test paper bucket desiccant is set in the bottle stopper, which is more convenient for storage and avoids the risk of accidental ingestion by children. The choice of desiccant is mainly silica gel and molecular sieve, and the national standard requires the moisture content of the finished product to be ≤2.8%.

The anti-theft ring of the test paper barrel is mainly used to determine whether the drug has been used or opened before the drug is first used. The cork spring can reduce the vibration generated during the transportation of the medicine and protect the test strip from damage. The mainstream blood glucose test strip barrel specifications are 48mm and 63mm, which can be selected according to product requirements.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that cannot be cured but can control the development of the disease. Blood glucose monitoring is one of the methods for diabetic patients to understand their own blood sugar changes and better control the disease. The choice of test strips is related to the stability and validity of the test strips. Pharmaceutical companies must be cautious when purchasing.

To Purchaser: how to choose the capacity of the veterinary syringe

 The veterinary syringe has multiple capacity, for example 5ml,8ml,10ml,13ml,20ml,30ml,60ml and so on. You can choose syringe according to the application of syringe and the body type of animal which the syringe is used to.

DSC_4381.jpgAccording to syringe application to choose plastic syringe, if you use syringe to animal masititis, you should choose 5ml, 8ml, 10ml, 13ml. Because these syringe has small soft plastic needle which can not hurt the udder of animal. If you use syringe to fill the animal's uterus, you should choose 15ml, 20ml, dial a dose syringe 30ml, 60ml. These syringe has bigger tip which can link to a standard long rubber tube which can insert animal's uterus.

Accoding to animal body type. If the application is same, you need choose syringe according to animal body type, generally speaking,the bigger animal use bigger capacity syringe.


ICH drug stability research evaluation


ICH drug stability research evaluationThe purpose of the ICH drug stability study is to establish, based on the test of at least three batches of drug substance stability and evaluation information (including physical, chemical, biological and microbiological tests with appropriate results), the next period of retesting is applicable to all batches.

The data may show little degradation and little variability, so it is obvious from looking at the data that the required retest period will be approved. In this case, there is usually no need for a formal statistical analysis; it is sufficient to provide justification for the omission.

One way to analyze data for quantitative attributes expected to change over time is to determine the time when the 95% one-sided confidence limit of the average curve intersects the acceptance criterion. If the analysis shows that the variability from batch to batch is small, then it is advantageous to incorporate the data into a single overall estimate. This can be achieved by first applying an appropriate statistical test (for example, rejecting the p-value of the significance level greater than 0.25) on the slope of the regression line and the zero time intercept of a single batch. If it is not suitable to combine data from several batches, the overall retest cycle should be based on the minimum time a batch is expected to remain within the acceptance criteria.

The nature of any degenerate relationship will determine whether the data should be converted to linear regression analysis. Generally, this relationship can be expressed by linear, quadratic, or cubic functions on arithmetic or logarithmic scales. Statistical methods should be used to test the goodness of fit of the data from all batches and combined batches (where appropriate) to the assumed degradation line or curve.

If necessary, limited extrapolation of real-time data of long-term storage conditions beyond the observation range can be performed at the time of approval to extend the retest period. This proof should be based on the known degradation mechanism, test results under accelerated conditions, goodness of fit of any mathematical model, batch size, existence of supporting stability data, etc. However, this extrapolation assumes that the same degradation relationship will continue to apply outside the observed data.

Any evaluation should include not only determination, but also the level of degradation products and other appropriate attributes.

Veterinary vaccine bottle purchase


Veterinary vaccine bottle purchaseIf you do not pay attention to the following points when purchasing veterinary vaccine bottles, it is easy to affect the efficacy of the vaccine and cause certain losses to the drug delivery company.

Corrosion resistance

As a common veterinary medicine, veterinary vaccines must have certain stability in packaging materials. At present, veterinary vaccine bottles are mostly made of polypropylene or polyethylene. These two materials are not easy to deform, can be sterilized at high temperature, and are cheap. The difference is that the high temperature resistance of polypropylene is slightly higher than that of polyethylene, but it is fragile at low temperatures and the bottles produced are more delicate. The toughness of polyethylene is better than polypropylene. Generally speaking, both materials meet the functional requirements of veterinary vaccine bottles. Veterinary drug companies can choose more suitable materials according to their actual market needs.

Production Process

At present, the production process of plastic bottles includes injection molding, injection blowing, extrusion blowing, etc. Most of the vaccine bottles use advanced injection blowing technology. The veterinary vaccine bottles produced by the injection blowing process have full molding, uniform injection molding, no thin or thick, no artificial Intervention is highly automatic. In view of the above advantages, vaccine bottles produced by injection-blowing technology have become the first choice for veterinary drug companies.

Sealing performance

Plastic injection vials are used to hold liquid medicine. If the sealing performance of the bottle is not good, it is easy to cause liquid leakage, which not only affects the efficacy of the medicine, but also brings certain economic losses to veterinary drug companies and farmers. Take an appropriate amount of this product, put an appropriate amount of glass balls into each bottle, screw the cap tightly, place it in a container with an air extraction device, immerse in water, and vacuum to a vacuum of 27KPa for 2 minutes. No water in the bottle Or bubbling.

Sterility requirements

The sterility of vaccines is a particularly important link. The production, cultivation, and packaging of vaccines, including vaccine vials, are all very important. Otherwise, it will not only waste a lot of manpower and material resources, but also affect the cost and benefit of veterinary drug companies. The production of vaccine bottles must be carried out in a clean workshop. After the production is completed, there is another sterilization treatment to ensure that the vaccine bottles reach the sterile standard.

Pharmaceutical packaging is a "silent salesman", which not only protects the safety and stability of medicines, but also promotes the brand for the company invisibly. Therefore, the selection of veterinary vaccine bottles should be more rigorous on the basis of meeting the functions of drugs, so that the "silent salesman" of drug packaging can play its role.


Choose cow mastitis syringe


Choose cow mastitis syringeIf you want choose the suitable and high quality cow mastitis syringe,you need know what we need exam the syringe.

First, you need choose the material, cow mastitis syringe is generally made of plastic or glass.The plastic cow mastitis syringe is cheaper, and don't easily break compared with glass cow mastitis syringe. So the plastic cow mastitis syringe is instead of glass cow mastitis syringe little by little now. If your medicine don't react with plastic, I suggest you can choose the plastic cow mastitis syringe.

Second, the cow mastitis syringe need packaging and store medicine, so you need test the gas tightness of syringe. How to test? first, you fill half full of water in the syringe tube,then insert the piston into syringe, then move the tip cap to eliminate air,then plug the tip cap, then apply 30N axial force on the plunger for 30 minutes, in the time, you need observe whether the tip cap and piston leak water.

The last, the syringe directly contact medicine, so must keep the intramammary syringe sterility. Generally the syringe must made in standard GMP workshop.In addition,the syringe can be sterile by EO to keep sterility.

Test standard of desiccant cap

 Test standard of desiccant cap

desiccant caps for pharma bottles

The following is the test standard for pharmaceutical desiccant caps:

1. Appearance

According to the quality requirements of plastic products, combined with the actual sample description, in line with the purpose of fully reflecting the quality of the product.

2. Identification

In order to effectively control the quality of the product and strengthen the monitoring of the formula and set the project, we refer to the YBB00172004-2015 method, select the infrared spectrum and density test, the index is consistent with YBB00112002-2015

3. Residue on ignition

The purpose of this test is to control the inorganic impurities in the plastic. We followed the 0.1% standard for YBB00172004-2015 and the 3.0% standard for the cover with sunscreen.

4. Desiccant Moisture Content Desiccant is a highly absorbent material that may absorb water during production. In order to ensure the quality of the product, it is necessary to control the moisture content of the desiccant to ensure the quality of the product before use.

5. Saturating agent saturated moisture absorption rate 

The desiccant capacity of the desiccant is an important indicator to check the quality of the desiccant. The saturated moisture absorption rate of different desiccants is different. To achieve the saturation of moisture absorption, it is taken out to constant weight after 8 days.

6. Short-term moisture absorption rate of desiccant

The short-term moisture absorption capacity of desiccant is also an important indicator to examine the quality of desiccant, simulating the hygroscopicity of the product during use.

7. Drop resistance

This product is a combination and should consider the combined performance of the product.

8. Physical and chemical properties of cardboard

According to the requirements of YBB00172004-2015, the physical and chemical indicators of cardboard have been established.

9. Dissolution test

Easy Oxide This item is designed to control the impurities in the water-soluble extract of the product that may affect the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Method YBB00172004-2015, the indicator is still no more than 1.0ml.

Heavy metals To control the total amount of heavy metals, set this item. . The method of the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China is adopted, and the indicator is one in a million

Non-volatile methods and indicators are fully based on the requirements of YBB00172004-2015.

10. Microbiological limits The method of the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China shall be adopted and shall comply with the regulations.

11. Abnormal toxicity The method of the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China is adopted and should comply with the regulations.


Dissolution test polypropylene bottle


Dissolution test polypropylene bottleDissolution test polypropylene bottle:

Preparation of test solution: Take the internal surface area of the flat part of this product 600cm2 (split into pieces of 5cm long and 0.3cm wide), set add appropriate amount of water to the conical flask, shake and wash the small pieces, discard the water, and repeat the operation twice. After drying at 30~40℃, use water (70℃±2℃), After soaking in 200ml for 24 hours, take it out and let it cool to room temperature, use the same batch of test solvent to make up the original volume as the test solution, and use the same batch of water as a blank.

Liquid, perform the following tests:

6.9.1 pH change

Take 20ml each of the test solution and the water blank solution, add 1.0ml of potassium chloride solution (1→1000) respectively, according to the pH measurement method. The General Principles of Veterinary Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China 2015 General Regulations for the Second Department (0631) determined that the difference between the two does not exceed 1.0.

6.9.2 Heavy metals

Accurately take 20ml of water for the test solution, add 2ml of acetate buffer (pH 3.5), check according to law ("Veterinary Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China") The 2015 edition of the General Principles of the Second Department (0821, Act 1), containing heavy metals shall not exceed one part per million.

6.9.3 Easy oxide

Accurately take 20ml of water for the test solution, add 20ml of potassium permanganate titration solution (0.002mol/L) and 1ml of dilute sulfuric acid, and boil for 3 minutes. Cool quickly. Add 0.1g of potassium iodide, place it in the dark for 5 minutes, titrate with sodium thiosulfate titration solution (0.01mol/L), when the titration reaches the end, then add 5 drops of starch indicator solution and continue titration until colorless. Take another water blank solution and operate in the same way, both consume sodium thiosulfate titration solution

(0.01mol/L) The difference should not exceed 1.5ml.

6.9.4 Non-volatile matter

Accurately take 50ml each of the test solution and blank solution into a constant weight evaporating dish, evaporate in a water bath, dry at 105℃ for 2 hours, and cool. After precise determination, the difference between the residue of non-volatile water and the residue of its blank solution should not exceed 12.0mg.

6.9.5 Clarity

Take water for the test solution and check it according to the law ("General Rules of the People's Republic of China Veterinary Pharmacopoeia 2015" Part Two), the solution should be clear, if it is cloudy, compared with No. 2 turbidity standard solution, it shall not be thicker.

6.9.6 Absorbance

Take the appropriate amount of water for the test solution, according to the ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry ("General Regulations of the People's Republic of China Veterinary Pharmacopoeia 2015" Part Two 0401). It is determined that the maximum absorbance in the wavelength range of 220~360nm shall not exceed 0.10.

Effervescent tablet disintegration time limit inspection method

 Effervescent tablet disintegration time limit inspection method

effervescent tablet tubes

The disintegration time limit inspection method is used to check the disintegration of oral solid preparations under specified conditions.

Disintegration means that the oral solid preparations disintegrate and dissolve or break into granules under specified conditions. Except for insoluble coating materials or broken capsule shells, they should all pass through a screen. If there is a small amount that cannot pass through the screen, but has been softened or lightly floated and has no hard cores, it can be considered as compliance.

Inspection method: Hang the hanging basket on the support through the stainless steel shaft at the upper end, immerse it in a 1000ml beaker, and adjust the position of the hanging basket to lower it to a low point. When the screen is 25mm from the bottom of the beaker, the temperature inside the beaker is 37℃±1℃ Adjust the water level to make the screen 15mm below the water surface when the basket rises to the high point. The top of the basket cannot be immersed in the solution.

Unless otherwise specified, take 6 pieces of the test product and place them in the glass tubes of the above-mentioned hanging basket. Start the disintegration instrument for inspection. Each piece should be completely disintegrated within 15 minutes. If one tablet fails to disintegrate completely, another 6 tablets should be taken for retesting, all of which should meet the requirements.

Take 1 effervescent tablet and place it in a 250ml beaker (with 200ml of water at a temperature of 20℃±5℃), that is, many bubbles are released. When the gas around the tablet or fragments stops escaping, the tablet should dissolve or Dispersed in water, no aggregated particles remain. Except as otherwise specified, 6 tablets shall be inspected by the same method, and each tablet should disintegrate within 5 minutes. If one tablet fails to disintegrate completely, another 6 tablets should be taken for re-testing, all of which should meet the requirements.


how to choose the desiccant for pharmaceutical packaging

 how to choose the desiccant for pharmaceutical packaging

caps with silica for effervescent tablet tubes

How to choose the desiccant like silica gel or molecular sieve for pharmaceutical packaging.

No matter you choose silica gel or molecular sieve,the first step is that confirm the dosage of the desiccant which you will use in the effervescent tube. You need confirm the size of effervescent tube,then according to the size,confirm the dosage of the desiccant.In generally,the dosage of effervescent tube is 2.1g and 3.9g. 

Then you need research your target market,your target market whether permit use molecular sieve,because some countries don't permit use molecular sieve, the temperature of storing environment can influence the moisture absorption ability of silica gel and molecular sieve.The most suitable temperature of silica gel is 20~32°C and 60~90°C.

Printing way of veterinary syringe


Printing way of veterinary syringeThe veterinary syringe often need be printed, three common printing ways as follow:

Offset printing is a commonly used printing technique in which the inked image is transferred (or "offset") from a plate to a rubber blanket, then to the printing surface. 

Screen printing is a printing technique whereby a mesh is used to transfer ink onto a substrate, except in areas made impermeable to the ink by a blocking stencil. A blade or squeegee is moved across the screen to fill the open mesh apertures with ink, and a reverse stroke then causes the screen to touch the substrate momentarily along a line of contact. This causes the ink to wet the substrate and be pulled out of the mesh apertures as the screen springs back after the blade has passed. One color is printed at a time, so several screens can be used to produce a multicoloured image or design.

Thermal-transfer printing is a digital printing method in which material is applied to plastic by melting a coating of ribbon so that it stays glued to the material on which the print is applied.


How to use urine glucose test strips

 How to use urine glucose test strips:

1. Invade the test strip into the urine (the best in the middle section of the urine), and take it out after soaking (about 1-2 seconds);

2. Remove the test paper from the edge of the container to remove excess urine;

3. Observe the color of the test strip in 30-60 seconds and compare it with the colorimetric plate to measure the result.

4, the results of the judgment: (test paper from light blue to brown red to indicate the test results) light blue means no diabetes, with "-"; brown red indicates diabetes, the deeper the "+" number, the more serious the diabetes.

5. According to the amount of sugar in the urine, the test paper exhibits different color changes in depth and depth. Because the color of the test paper varies, the test results are also inconsistent, with positive and negative points. If the color is blue, it means that there is no sugar in the urine, which means a negative result. The symbol is (-): it is green, and it is a plus sign (+), indicating that the urine contains 0.3%-0.5%; it is yellow-green. Two plus signs (++). Explain that the urine sugar is 0.5%-1.0%; it is orange and is three plus signs (+++). The urine contains 1%-2%; it is brick red, with four plus signs (++++) or above, and the urine contains more than 2% sugar.

How to use urine glucose test strips

test strip container

When storing the urine sugar test strips bottle, close the stopper and store it in a cool dry place.


What is plastic twin neck bottle


What is plastic twin neck bottle

1000ml dispensing bottle

The plastic twin neck bottle is one bottle with two neck, which is typically used to store liquids such as water, beverages, disinfector, pesticides, soaps, lubricants, concentrated cleaners and fuel. So this plastic twin neck bottle is used widely in the world, for example, drinks, disinfector, liquid medicine, fuel and so on.

The plastic twin neck bottle is made of HDPE and LDPE.

The twin neck bottle make dosing and dispensing simple and convenient! With just a single hand, users can measure and pour with ease.

To use these dispensing bottles, simply loosen cap from dispensing chamber. Gently squeeze the bottle to fill measuring chamber with required amount of liquid. Remove cap from dispensing chamber and easily pour measured fluid from the chamber.

How to choose the twin neck bottle?

choose the suitable capacity and dosing chamber

choose the suitable material LDPE or HDPE according to the liquid which you will fill in.

you need observe the surface of the twin neck bottle

Test standard of desiccant cap

 Test standard of desiccant cap

desiccant caps for pharma bottles

The following is the test standard for pharmaceutical desiccant caps:

1. Appearance

According to the quality requirements of plastic products, combined with the actual sample description, in line with the purpose of fully reflecting the quality of the product.

2. Identification

In order to effectively control the quality of the product and strengthen the monitoring of the formula and set the project, we refer to the YBB00172004-2015 method, select the infrared spectrum and density test, the index is consistent with YBB00112002-2015

3. Residue on ignition

The purpose of this test is to control the inorganic impurities in the plastic. We followed the 0.1% standard for YBB00172004-2015 and the 3.0% standard for the cover with sunscreen.

4. Desiccant Moisture Content Desiccant is a highly absorbent material that may absorb water during production. In order to ensure the quality of the product, it is necessary to control the moisture content of the desiccant to ensure the quality of the product before use.

5. Saturating agent saturated moisture absorption rate 

The desiccant capacity of the desiccant is an important indicator to check the quality of the desiccant. The saturated moisture absorption rate of different desiccants is different. To achieve the saturation of moisture absorption, it is taken out to constant weight after 8 days.

6. Short-term moisture absorption rate of desiccant

The short-term moisture absorption capacity of desiccant is also an important indicator to examine the quality of desiccant, simulating the hygroscopicity of the product during use.

7. Drop resistance

This product is a combination and should consider the combined performance of the product.

8. Physical and chemical properties of cardboard

According to the requirements of YBB00172004-2015, the physical and chemical indicators of cardboard have been established.

9. Dissolution test

Easy Oxide This item is designed to control the impurities in the water-soluble extract of the product that may affect the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Method YBB00172004-2015, the indicator is still no more than 1.0ml.

Heavy metals To control the total amount of heavy metals, set this item. . The method of the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China is adopted, and the indicator is one in a million

Non-volatile methods and indicators are fully based on the requirements of YBB00172004-2015.

10. Microbiological limits The method of the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China shall be adopted and shall comply with the regulations.

11. Abnormal toxicity The method of the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China is adopted and should comply with the regulations.